пятница, 3 марта 2017 г.


Imgur, I'm going to post this same image until it hits front page so I can connect with a large amount of WA-resident imgurians.

Moo, I mean "yiff yiff"

My last minute pun costume

The joys of travel

How I feel when I'm in the middle of a physics test, and realize the complete gibberish of the formulas inside of my head

The Interview

One of these things is not like the others


we can't stop here

четверг, 2 марта 2017 г.

I like the books



The Legend

swirl beanie with poms

Every cool thing is just a job to someone.

Donald Trump on Fresh Prince: "Everyone's always blaming me for everything"

Trying to argue with an idiot

Pluto Explorer

Eminem's Restaurantti



Caturday !!!

Natural habitat

среда, 1 марта 2017 г.

Farm dog


Mysterious lines emerging from the horizon and the belt of Venus.


Because aliens

Destiny sig

The biggest issue facing Arkansas voters tonight